Encoding Technical Specifications
HD Encoding Specifications:
Screen Size: 1920x1080
Video Compression Type/Codec: Apple Pro-Res 422 (HQ)
Frame Rate 29.97 or 23.98fps preferred
Audio: 2 Channel Stereo Only
Audio Codec: Linear PCM or Uncompressed Audio
Audio Sample Rate: 48kHz
Audio Bit Depth: 16-bit/24-bit
File Naming Specifications:
Please label each file the following way:
Name the unslated final - LastNameCategory (example: SmithEditorial)
Name the Slated Final - LastNameCategorySlate (example: SmithEditorialSlate)
Screen Size: 1920x1080
Video Compression Type/Codec: Apple Pro-Res 422 (HQ)
Frame Rate 29.97 or 23.98fps preferred
Audio: 2 Channel Stereo Only
Audio Codec: Linear PCM or Uncompressed Audio
Audio Sample Rate: 48kHz
Audio Bit Depth: 16-bit/24-bit
Important Note: You will upload your entry twice, once without a slate and once with the slate.
File Naming Specifications:
Please label each file the following way:
Name the unslated final - LastNameCategory (example: SmithEditorial)
Name the Slated Final - LastNameCategorySlate (example: SmithEditorialSlate)
DO NOT upload a file that has a slate, countdown, 2 pop or credits. Any of these will cause your file to be REJECTED during the QC process and you will need to provide a new file.
If you upload a "making of" or case study, there should be no information identifying the company or individuals who worked on the piece.
If you upload a "making of" or case study, there should be no information identifying the company or individuals who worked on the piece.